Westpac Lane

Location: City Centre

Date: 2018

Our Role: LiVS licensed the land to enable access from The Square to Hereford Street


More than just a thoroughfare.

In 2018, Christchurch CIty Council approached us indicating they would like to (re)establish a laneway from Cathedral Square to Hereford Street.
We worked with three different landowners to licence the land required. CCC laid asphalt to make the space more attractive and since then we have supported several murals painted throughout the lane.
Life in Vacant Spaces is proudly supported by: 

Website design by: Lydia Hannah Thomas
© 2024 LIVS - Ōtautahi, Aotearoa New Zealand

Site brokers for creative Ōtautahi Christchurch. Connects owners of vacant land & buildings with people who have big ideas to fill those spaces.
