Watch This Space Incubator 

Location: 110 Cashel Street, Central City

Start Date: 14 - 28 February 2024

Our Role: Funding Support & Site Brokers


Watch This Space celebrated all things urban art in Otautahi during a two-week LiVS Incubator residency! People popped in and said 'kia ora' while learning more about the city's amazing street art - booked tours, checked out our website and online map, watched a video or two, and found out more about some of our projects - including some pretty amazing murals, our work with rangitahi, and our Little Street Art Festival! In addition to promoting our mahi, we also created some cool content with local artists - the Incubator also served as a studio for recording a series of videos exploring the process of some of our creative friends!

Life in Vacant Spaces is proudly supported by: 

Website design by: Lydia Hannah Thomas
© 2024 LIVS - Ōtautahi, Aotearoa New Zealand

Site brokers for creative Ōtautahi Christchurch. Connects owners of vacant land & buildings with people who have big ideas to fill those spaces.
