Roy Stokes Hall

Location: Seaview Road, New Brighton

Date: 2021

Our Role: LiVS brokered and coordinated the space
In 2021, Life in Vacant Spaces signed an agreement with the landowner for the use of Roy Stokes Hall in New Brighton. LiVS is working on a two year pilot which will help to establish if Roy Stokes Hall can be turned into a sustainable creative community hub, long-term.

There are currently two anchor users at the hall; The Christchurch Circus Trust and the Toi Collective, a youth arts collective. We are looking for additional users of the hall which include creative groups, performance groups, artist workshops, community groups, community education programmes and events and functions related to the community to use.

It has now been signed to Youth Alive Trust.
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Website design by: Lydia Hannah Thomas
© 2024 LIVS - Ōtautahi, Aotearoa New Zealand

Site brokers for creative Ōtautahi Christchurch. Connects owners of vacant land & buildings with people who have big ideas to fill those spaces.
