Kakano Cafe and Cookery School

Location: Peterborough Street, City Centre

Date: October 2015

Our Role: Site access and landowner negotiations

Kākano café and cookery school was brought to life by founder Jade Temepara. Kākano translates to Seed; it was their vision to tell the story of kai from seed.

Kakano’s goal was to bring healthy and nutritious kai to the people of Otautahi. They celebrated the whenua /land, culture, education opportunities, community and most importantly whanau/family. Kakano had the belief that food can heal, and sharing it together can heal us as a community.

A cookery school was located within the café and was transformed in the evenings and weekends to cater for basic to skilled cooking abilities. Kakano also ran seminars, workshops, te reo lessons, and hosted guests to showcase what community has to offer.
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Site brokers for creative Ōtautahi Christchurch. Connects owners of vacant land & buildings with people who have big ideas to fill those spaces.
