East X East

Location: Brooker Ave, Christchurch

Date: 2019

Our Role: LiVS brokered space, established key relationships and curated a number of projects
EAST x EAST was a pilot project with Land Information New Zealand, Christchurch City Council, local eastern communities and the wider public to test out how we can bring life to the Residential Red Zone.

LiVS worked with government agencies (LINZ + CCC) and community to test how activation projects could be best implemented in the former Residential Red Zone (RRZ).
LiVS spent a year testing ideas and working with the community to establish important relationships. A number of small scale events culminated in the naming of the space and the installation of a Community Pump Track. The pilot project is now over but the space continues under the same name.
Life in Vacant Spaces is proudly supported by: 

Website design by: Lydia Hannah Thomas
© 2024 LIVS - Ōtautahi, Aotearoa New Zealand

Site brokers for creative Ōtautahi Christchurch. Connects owners of vacant land & buildings with people who have big ideas to fill those spaces.
