A Communal Loaf

Location: City Centre

Date: August 2016

Our Role: LiVS managed site access and landowner negotiations

A Communal Loaf is about making bread, food resilience and community engagement. The project, by Simon Gray, began in 2017 working in collaboration with Cultivate Christchurch and supported by Life in Vacant Spaces.

A Communal Loaf started with a few small crops of wheat planted at the current Cultivate Chch site. The idea is to showcase the cycle of growing wheat, to a loaf of bread all from a locally grown source.

As the wheat has grown, an oven was built as a community project at the Phillipstown Community Hub. The first firing of the oven and initial loaves were baked about 8 months after the first planting.

Simon aims to continue to collaborate with local groups as the project evolves.
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Website design by: Lydia Hannah Thomas
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Site brokers for creative Ōtautahi Christchurch. Connects owners of vacant land & buildings with people who have big ideas to fill those spaces.
