231 High Street - Tech Community Hub

Location: High Street, City Centre

Date: 2023 October

Our Role: LiVS brokered the space & mentors

Other Support: Mackersey Property


At 231 High St, our mission was to cultivate a vibrant and inclusive community space where collaboration, innovation, and positive impact flourished. We were committed to fostering an environment where people from diverse backgrounds came together to share knowledge, ideas, and resources. Our core principles were built on the belief that collective effort could drive meaningful change.
Life in Vacant Spaces is proudly supported by: 

Website design by: Lydia Hannah Thomas
© 2024 LIVS - Ōtautahi, Aotearoa New Zealand

Site brokers for creative Ōtautahi Christchurch. Connects owners of vacant land & buildings with people who have big ideas to fill those spaces.
